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Oxnard Air Force Base

In the 1950s, Oxnard Air Force Base received stall magazines with free-standing, sloped earthen embankments sited between each stall and also shielding each side of the checkout and assembly building. These stalls were used to store AIR-2A Genie rockets mated with Mk25 warheads as alert munitions.1.1

Air Defense Command (ADC) alert area (midground right). Alert hangar with support structures. Doubled configuration for the special weapons storage area used to store AIR-2A Genie rockets mated with Mk25 warheads. Directorate of Installations, Master Plan of October 1957. (Retrieved from Cold War Infrastructure for Air Defense: The Fighter and Command Missions,


  1. Cold War Infrastructure for Air Defense: The Fighter and Command Missions (p. 178). (1999). Air Combat Command; Headquarters.
    1. p.88 (PDF Page)