Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
Project Big Star2.1
Minuteman I1.1
- LGM-30A
- Mk5 (Mk59)
Minuteman IB
- LGM-30B
- Mk11/Mk11A (Mk56)
Minuteman II1.1
- LGM-30F
- Mk11B/Mk11C (Mk56)
Minuteman III
- LGM-30G
- Mk12 (Mk62)/Mk12A (Mk78)/Mk21 (Mk87)
Boeing subcontracted work to the Thiokol Chemical Corporation, the Hercules Powder Company, and Aerojet-General2.1

- Neufeld, J. (1971). USAF Ballistic Missile Programs 1969-1970 (p. 74). Office of Air Force History. https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/nukevault/ebb249/doc06.pdf
- p.8 (PDF Page)
- Weitze, K. J. (2003). Keeping the Edge: Air Force Materiel Command Cold War Context (1945-1991)—Volume II: Installations and Facilities (H-15 30002238; p. 616). https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA640508.pdf
- p.243 (PDF Page)
- p.256 (PDF Page)